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Northeast India's First Multilingual Foremost Media Network

Northeast India's First Multilingual Foremost Media Network

Japan Expands Foreign Visa Worker Program in Order to Tackle Shortage of Drivers

On Friday, the Japanese government expanded its foreign skilled worker visa program by including four additional industries. This initiative aims to tackle the country’s shortage of drivers by granting more individuals the opportunity to stay for up to five years. Japan is currently grappling with a labour shortage caused by a decline in its birth […]

Japanese High Court Deems Lack of Same-Sex Marriage Recognition “Unconstitutional”

In a groundbreaking ruling, the Japanese High Court has declared the country’s absence of legal recognition for same-sex marriage as “unconstitutional,” as reported by a Japanese local media outlet. This landmark decision is anticipated to intensify pressure on the Japanese government to take greater measures to safeguard the rights of sexual minorities. The Sapporo High […]

Japan’s First Private Rocket Explodes after Take-off

A Japanese company named Space One launched a rocket with the intention of launching a satellite into orbit, but it exploded seconds after launch. On Wednesday, an 18-meter Kairos rocket carrying a small government test satellite took off from the company’s launch pad in the western Japanese area of Wakayama. However, the rocket burst into […]

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