On Monday night, the Mumbai police arrested the two individuals who are believed to be responsible for the shooting incident that occurred outside the Bandra home of renowned Bollywood actor Salman Khan on Sunday.
The two individuals, known as Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, were apprehended in Bhuj, Gujarat, after fleeing the scene. They hail from Champaran, Bihar.
Two unknown individuals carried out a shooting outside Galaxy Apartments, the residence of the actor, in the early hours of Sunday morning. Following the incident, law enforcement agencies promptly responded to the situation. Initial investigations suggest that the perpetrators arrived at the location on a motorcycle, concealing their identities with helmets, indicating a well-planned assault. During the incident, they fired a total of four shots and left a live cartridge behind at the scene.
Lakhmi Gautam, Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime), mentioned that the suspects fled to Surat from Mumbai before traveling to Bhuj to evade capture. They are now being escorted back to the city for their judicial hearing.
Reports indicate that the two individuals were probably acting under the orders of the Lawrence Bishnoi group. Following the shooting, Anmol Bishnoi, the sibling of Lawrence who is presently incarcerated, admitted to carrying out the assault.
After the occurrence, Eknath Shinde, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, engaged in a phone conversation with Salman to address the incident. Additionally, Mr. Shinde conferred with the Mumbai Police Commissioner and proposed enhancing the security measures for the actor.