On Wednesday, a suspect involved in the shooting incident outside the residence of Bollywood actor Salman Khan attempted to end his life while in police custody. Despite being rushed to a hospital for medical attention, he passed away during the course of treatment.
Anuj Thapan, a 32-year-old individual, was alleged to have supplied firearms to two assailants who discharged rounds outside the residence of Salman Khan in Mumbai.
The police reported that Thapan attempted suicide while in police custody. He tried to hang himself in the toilet of the lockup by using a bedsheet. Following the incident, Thapan was quickly taken to GT Hospital in Mumbai where he remained in critical condition. He passed away shortly thereafter.
On April 25, Thapan and another suspect, Sonu Subhash Chander (37), were apprehended by the Mumbai Police. It is worth mentioning that on April 14, four gunshots were fired by two unidentified individuals on a motorcycle outside the residence of Bollywood actor Salman Khan in Mumbai’s Bandra area.
At approximately 4:51 am, an incident took place where two individuals discharged four gunshots outside Galaxy Apartments before hastily departing the scene. As confirmed by a Mumbai Police representative, Salman Khan was present at his residence during the occurrence of the gunfire. Subsequent to the event, the Mumbai Police apprehended Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, the two assailants, in Bhuj, Gujarat.
Thapan and Chander were taken into custody by the Mumbai Police after the two apprehended shooters disclosed information about their participation in the entire event. The Mumbai Police enforced the stringent Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) against all the accused individuals arrested in the matter.
Last month, the Mumbai Crime Branch declared that it had discovered compelling evidence against Lawrence Bishnoi and his brother Anmol Bishnoi. Consequently, the Crime Branch officially identified both individuals as the prime suspects in the case.