Ahead of the Delhi elections, Former CM Arvind Kejriwal has written a letter to PM Modi, demanding the inclusion of Jat community in the OBC list. In his letter, he even accused Modi of betraying the Jat community.
Kejriwal has raised a strong objection to the government’s delay in fulfilling its promise to the Jat community. Addditionally, Jats, along with all other castes currently classified as OBC in Delhi, be included in center’s OBC list.
In his letter, he pointed out that the central govt has misled the Jat community for over 10 yrs under the pretext of OBC reservation. In addition, criticized Modi for not taking action on the promise to include Delhi’s Jats in the OBC list.
Additionally, he reminded Modi of the promises made to the Jat community in 2015 when Modi personally invited Jat leaders to his residence and assured them that the community would be included in the OBC list of the Center. Furthermore, Kejriwal referenced a similar commitment made by Home Minister Amit Shah in 2019, which has yet to be fulfilled.
However, the frustration over the Jat students from Rajasthan are receiving reservation benefits in Delhi University, but Delhi Jat’s aren’t. AAP Chief accused the BJP for not allowing Jat’s to access reservation benefits in institutions, despite OBC status in Delhi.
Moreover, Kejriwal attacked both the PM and the Home Minister, accusing them of making fake promises before elections. This issue will make headlines as AAP continues to challenge Modi on its handling of OBC reservations for Jat .