The Madhya Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) recently announced the seizure of 360 barrels utilized in the production of pistols from Surat, Gujarat. Additionally, three individuals were apprehended for their suspected participation in the illegal arms trafficking activities.
The MP ATS recently captured Saranam Singh, a resident of Dhaavri village in the Khetiya police station area of Barwani district, for his suspected involvement in the illicit arms trade. In the initial questioning, Singh disclosed that he temporarily stayed in the Prabhunagar area of Surat, Gujarat, where he supplied raw materials and barrels utilized in the production of illegal firearms to Madhya Pradesh. Based on this revelation, the ATS assembled a team and carried out a raid on the Yogesh Engineering Works in the Harinagar Udhnana area of Surat.
It is worth mentioning that only 10 days ago, the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) conducted a raid on an illicit weapons manufacturing facility situated in the Signur region of Khargone district. This operation resulted in the confiscation of 434 barrels. Subsequently, the ATS initiated legal proceedings by filing a case under Sections 25 and 27 of the Arms Act (Crime No. 04/2024) at the ATS/STF police station in Bhopal. The individuals apprehended in connection with this case were Rahul Yadav from Khandwa and Gurubhakt Singh from Signur. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that a monthly consignment of approximately 500 barrels originated from Surat, Gujarat. Notably, the raid yielded a substantial quantity of top-notch barrels utilized in the manufacturing of pistols, along with various other components and raw materials.
The MP ATS is conducting continuous monitoring of individuals engaged in the illicit production and distribution of firearms, whether they operate within or outside the state. Furthermore, the MP ATS is actively pursuing measures against international terrorist organizations and groups that may seek to utilize these illicit weapons for terrorist and anti-national purposes.