In the Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh, a young boy of six years old accidentally fell into an uncovered borewell. Following the incident, a rescue operation was promptly initiated to save him. The boy, named Mayur, was playing when he unexpectedly tumbled into the 70-foot-deep borewell.
The police reported that at approximately 3:30 pm, an incident occurred while a boy named Mayur was playing with his friends in the fields of harvested wheat crops. Despite the other children’s attempts to assist Mayur in getting out of the open borewell, they were unable to do so, as per the police.
According to Anil Sonkar, the Additional Superintendent of Police, the borewell has a depth of approximately 70 feet, whereas the boy is trapped at a depth of around 40 feet.
A team from the State Disaster Emergency Response Force (SDERF) was deployed to rescue the child trapped approximately 40 feet below the surface, as stated by Rewa collector Pratibha Pal. Oxygen is being provided through a pipe, and a CCTV camera was lowered to observe the boy’s situation, although it was unable to reach him due to an obstruction, according to Additional Superintendent of Police Anil Sonkar. Sonkar also mentioned that the rescue operation was hindered by unseasonal rains.
Previously, the state government, led by Collector Rewa, mandated all SDMs to secure the open borewells. Regrettably, it appears that the directives have not been adhered to.