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Northeast India's First Multilingual Foremost Media Network

A leopard intruded a residence in the Roop Nagar area of Delhi and harmed 5 individuals this morning, 1 April. As per the Delhi Fire Service, they received notification of the occurrence around 6:20 am, prompting the dispatch of two fire trucks to Jagatpur village in Wazirabad, Delhi.

Atul Garg, the chief of the Delhi Fire Service, stated that the leopard had been caught and locked in a room and the wounded individuals were taken to a hospital.

Leopards exhibit exceptional hunting skills and possess the capability to camouflage themselves in their environment. Their proficiency at stealth and climbing enables them to infiltrate human settlements. The depletion of their natural habitats and scarcity of prey frequently drive leopards to encroach upon areas inhabited by humans, resulting in conflicts between the two species.

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